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Comprehensive ABA Assessment

An ABA assessment is the starting point in the development of an effective and individualized treatment plan for your child or young adult. 

An assessment determines current skills level and functional abilities, classifies resources, strengths, abilities, support systems, competing behavior contingencies, and potential reinforcers while identifying what reinforcement strategies are likely to be necessary to teach new behaviors and new skills.

ABA therapy uses many different types of behavior assessments in order to develop specific goals to build a plan structure for your child (or young adult) that will help them achieve their greatest capabilities.

An ABA assessment classifies resources, strengths, abilities, support systems, competing behavior contingencies, and potential reinforcers while identifying what reinforcement strategies are likely to be necessary to teach new behaviors and new skills.

The ABA assessment and treatment plan is also provided to insurers so that ABA therapy can be officially approved and covered under a Medicaid waiver or family’s insurance plan.

An ABA assessment evaluates the current skills level and abilities of your child, including (but not limited to): 

  • Language and communication skills 
  • Social behavior and interaction  
  • Play and leisure skills 
  • Self-care abilities and daily living skills 
  • Functionality
  • Attention/duration of engagement 
  • Rate of skill acquisition
  • Root causes of challenging behavior triggers

We gather information.

We’ll ask questions to better understand your child or young adult’s behaviors and abilities while under your care. We’ll ask you to share your observations, challenges, and goals for your child. Your understanding of where, when, and why behaviors are happening will help us understand the full picture of you and your child’s experiences. 

We conduct direct observations.

We review specific and objective behavior patterns while observing your child or young adult to get a better understanding of how your child or young adult interacts at home and/or at school. 

We formulate a plan of action.

Your child’s treatment plan is developed based on these assessments and observations, outlining concrete goals for your child or young adult to achieve.

Typically, the goals include decreasing harmful behaviors such as tantrums or self-injury and improving positive behaviors, such as communications skills. Some of the goals of therapy will include helping your child reach age-norm behavior milestones.

Autism Assessment
Comprehensive autism assessments include a detailed diagnostic interview to gain background information and history. Face-to-face testing includes cognitive measures of intelligence; structured assessment of social interaction, behavior evaluation, formal observation and a detailed report outlining results and goals.

Diagnostic Assessment
We provide comprehensive psychological evaluation for concerns related to cognitive and developmental delay. A comprehensive assessment includes a detailed diagnostic interview to get background information and history, face to face testing which includes components such as norm-referenced psychological tests, informal tests and surveys, interview information, review of school or medical records, and observational data.

Assessment for ADHD+
A comprehensive assessment for ADHD and other development/learning disorders includes a detailed diagnostic interview to gain background information and history; face-to-face testing includes diagnostic interview; extensive review of records; intelligence and achievement testing; formal observation and a detailed report.

What To Expect.

An initial interview of the child or young adult and an initial interview of parent, guardian, or other direct care professionals in the child or young adult’s life.

Evaluation of current communication skills, barriers to communication, and pre-academic, social and self-help skills through direct observation of your child or young adult in the home environment.

Let's Get Started!

Ecological assessment (provides more in-depth information regarding the multiple environments in which the child or young adult lives, attends school, and spends their time).